About Us

It's a family affair! Growing up living on a coffee farm in the Blue Mountain Region of Portland, Jamaica, Donique Berry (AKA Dee) developed a fascination for coffee. The knowledge she gained encompassed the cultivation as well as the hardships local farmers faced when it came to the production and distribution of their coffee. From there, the innovative project of Berry Bleu blossomed.
For years, the biggest recipient for the booming Blue Moutan Coffee business has been Japan. As Japan's business thrived, success for local farmers was on a steady decline. Having not received the appropriate compensation for their life's work, the philanthropic Dee noticed an opportunity to invoke change within her childhood community. She began devising a plan to help not only her family, but also local farmers, gain from the profitable coffee industry. In 2022, Berry Bleu was launched. Each cup not only brings delicious joy to the consumer, it also provides support for the true cultivators of Blue Mountain Coffee.